The following two sections describe the necessary steps for (I) Communications with Compuserve as a text-based BBS type service (submitted by Don Hergert), and (II) Communications and email access with Compuserve as a PPP Service provider (submitted by Craig Peacock). =================================================================== I) Communications with Compuserve as a Text-based BBS type service Submitted by: Don Hergert 72235,32 Connecting to CIS involves three major steps of configuration. They are: A) Creating your Terminal Icon. B) Setting up your modem to work properly with Terminal. C) Getting CIS to talk to you. The following is an explanation of how to accomplish these steps. I'm trying to assume little fore-knowledge on the subject, so if you already know how to do some or all of this, be patient. Also, keep in mind that most PCMCIA modems eat batteries. Try to always use an AC Adapter with any kind of PCMCIA modem work. A) Creating your Terminal Icon 1) Tap the Start button on the WinCE taskbar. 2) Tap the Programs group. 3) Double tap the Communications folder. 4) Double tap the Terminal icon. 5) Double tap the Make a New Connection icon. 6) Supply the name for this new Terminal icon. 7) Select your modem from the drop-down list. 8) Tap the Configure button. 9) In Connection Preferences, select your modem's highest recommended Baud Rate from the drop down list. 10) Select the Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control used by the system you want to connect to. ( Evidence at this time suggests a bug in the Cassiopeia prevents any Data Bits and Parity settings other than 8 and None from actually being used, no matter what you change these settings to. It is probably best to just leave the settings at 8 Bits, No Parity.) 11) Leave Manual Dial, Terminal Before Dialing and Terminal After Dialing unchecked at this time. 12) Tap on the Call Options tab. 13) These settings are optional for normal dialing and modems. Change them only if you know you want one of the features involved changed. 14) Tap the OK button in the upper right of the Device Properties window. 15) Enter the Telephone Number you want auto-dialed. 16) Tap the Emulation tab. Select the emulation you want for this Terminal icon. 17) The remaining properties on this tab are optional. Change them only if you want one of the features involved changed. 18) Tap the OK in the upper right of the Session Properties window. B) Setting up your modem to work properly with Terminal. 1) Attach your modem. If it is a PCMCIA modem, the conservative approach is to turn off the HPC, insert the modem, press the reset button, and turn the system on. Always try to use the AC Adapter with PCMCIA modems. 2) Make sure BEFORE ATTACHING THE RJ-11 PHONE LINE to your modem that it is an analog line -- NOT a line from a DIGITAL PHONE SYSTEM such as those found at many hotels, etc. Digital phone systems can fry PCMCIA modems on contact. If you're not sure, don't attach it. If nothing else is available, a fax phone line will work. When you are sure it is a safe analog line, attach the phone line to your modem. 3) Locate the new Terminal icon you created in part A. (See part A for location instructions.) Double tap the new Terminal icon. 4) If at this point your system dials, and the service you are calling connects, the Terminal window opens, and the service you are calling prompts you for user identification information, you are done with this step. Move on to part C. 5) If at this point your system dials, the phone is answered, you appear to connect, but you don't get a Terminal window (instead your dialing window just stays there after the "noise" of the modem negotiation ends) Terminal is either having trouble with buffering, or with recognizing the connect string your modem is providing. Tap the Cancel button, and then tap the Terminal icon you've created once. 6) Tap the Properties tool bar icon (the one next to the big X). This will move you back into the Session Properties window. Tap the Configure button, and then the Call Options tab. 7) In the Extra Settings field, enter "\N0". This is a modem command to use normal buffering with no error correction. Tap OK, and OK again, and then double tap the new Terminal icon you created. 8) Try to connect again. If you get a Terminal window but no prompt from your service, press enter a few times. At this point, you should get an identification prompt from your service. Move on to part C. 9) If again your dial window just waits and waits, go back to the Extra Settings field, and add "X0" to your previous modem command using the procedures in step 7. This is a modem command to produce minimal standard set of return codes. Try to connect again. If you succeed this time, move on to part C. 10) If this still doesn't help, you'll probably need to scrap auto-dial, and enable the manual dial terminal session as a part of Terminal. Then you'll have to type the ATDT dial string manually, but at least you will know when the dialing has been successful. When you see the connect string, you'll just press the "OK" button in the manual dial terminal session, and Terminal will start up with the new connection. 11) To enable manual dial, tap the Terminal icon you created, once, and then tap the Properties tool bar icon (see step 6), and then tap the Configure button. Tap a check into the Manual Dial check box. Tap OK, then OK again. 12) Consult your modem manual for the actual dial command syntax. For Hayes compatible modems this will be something like ATD or ADTD followed by the phone number to dial. 13) Double tap the Terminal icon you created. You'll get a manual dial terminal window. Enter the appropriate dial string from step 12. You should hear your modem dialing, negotiating with your service's modem, and eventually you should see some sort of connect string confirming your connection. When that occurs, press enter a few times. You should then see prompts from your service. Tap OK. C) Getting CIS to talk to you. 1) The regular Terminal screen should be before you now. Press enter once. If CIS is the connection provider, in the US, you'll probably see something like the following: " 00 XXXX Ho t N e: " This may be different in other contries. If you do get this prompt enter the Host Name, "CIS". The reason these prompts are missing characters is that CIS defaults to 7 bit words, Even parity. The Cassiopeia, at least as far as we've seen, can only communicate at 8 bit words, NO parity. The missing characters are actually the typical garbage high-bit characters of a parity mismatch, only they've been masked out by the VT-100 emulation (if that was your emulation choice). If you used TTY emulation, you'll actually see the garbage high-bit characters in place of the spaces. 2) Again, in the US, you should get the next prompt: " U er D: " Enter your User ID with a "+" appended to it at this point. 3) In the US, you should get this final login prompt: " Password: " Enter your password now. 4) You should now be in CompuServe. This is the Text mode, and everything runs using a simple menu system. You can enter GO [servicename] to jump around, or just follow the menu tree. Type Help to see more navigation information. 5) When done with CIS, just tap the X in the upper right hand corner. This will disconnect your modem from the phone line, and exit your new Terminal icon. =================================================================== II) Communications and email access with Compuserve as a PPP Service provider Submitted by: Craig Peacock Accessing a third parties Email with Compuserve as your ppp connection I was able to access compuserve on my HPC by doing the following: In tcpip settings, I have Server assigned IP address Checked. Log on to network: unchecked Use software compression: checked Use IP header compression: checked Primary DNS: Secondary DNS: Primary / Secondary WINS: In configure section of my modem, I have Use Terminal Window after dialing, speed I have is 19200, (14.4 modem), 8,none,1, hardware I also have USE TERMINAL window after dialing checked Now when I go to login: PressCIS 101606,3723+/PPP:CISPPP Now I should be able to see the word password: I type my password in then I see PPP: followed by several lines of jibberish, If I press O.K. Then I press Hide Button (Not the X) or that will log you off I'm logged on until I double tap on the Connected Icon next to the time, bottom right of the screen. I am able to check email on my Internet providers account using this method.
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